Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza
Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza

Pala de Pickleball Mach 1 Forza

Precio habitual$179.99
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¡Cada aspecto que diseñamos para nuestras palas es crear giro, control y potencia! ¡Nos centramos en componentes de la más alta calidad para crear una pala que te brinde un control excelente cuando juegas! Disponible en 16 mm para un poco más de suavidad (el más popular) y 14 mm para dejarlo volar.


  • Núcleo de polipropileno de alto rendimiento
  • Cara de paleta T700 de fibra de carbono cruda
  • Paredes inyectadas de espuma
  • Protector de borde de TPU suave puro
  • Piezas de EVA dentro de la empuñadura para evitar vibraciones.

Especificaciones de 14 mm: 

  • Peso promedio: 8 onzas
  • Longitud de la paleta: 16,5 pulgadas
  • Ancho de la paleta: 7,5 pulgadas
  • Espesor: 14mm
  • Longitud del mango: 5,5 pulgadas
  • Circunferencia de agarre: 4,125 pulgadas
  • Material del núcleo: panal de polipropileno, paredes de espuma
  • Material de la cara de la paleta: fibra de carbono cruda T700

Especificaciones de 16 mm (más populares): 

  • Peso promedio: 8,2 onzas
  • Longitud de la paleta: 16,5 pulgadas
  • Ancho de la paleta: 7,5 pulgadas
  • Grosor: 16mm
  • Longitud del mango: 5,5 pulgadas
  • Circunferencia de agarre: 4,125 pulgadas
  • Material del núcleo: panal de polipropileno, paredes de espuma
  • Material de la cara de la paleta: fibra de carbono cruda T700


ESTAMOS ORIENTADOS AL DETALLE, LO QUE SIGNIFICA ALTA CALIDAD . Efecto, control y potencia : este es el trío mágico necesario para lograr el equilibrio perfecto y crear palas de alta calidad que te brinden resultados.

Combinamos ciencia deportiva de vanguardia con conocimiento interno para crear palas que saquen tu mejor juego. Afinamos cada pequeño detalle, solucionamos esas molestas molestias y nos aseguramos de que cada remo sea de primera categoría.

Accesorios incluidos con cada Forza: 

  • Funda para cabeza de remo
  • Borrador de retoque de carbono
  • Empuñadura negra de repuesto
  • Banda de repuesto para el cuello de la paleta
  • Volair Pegatina


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Remo de mi elección

"He estado jugando y entrenando pickleball durante 2 años. También compré y probé más de 20 palas. Esta es la pala de mi elección en este momento. El efecto y la potencia son una locura. ¡Muy recomendable!" - Enrique I.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Gran remo!!!

"Soy muy exigente con mi pala, no la había cambiado durante más de un año porque no podía encontrar la 'adecuada'. ¡¡¡El primer juego deseaba que me enganchara la Mach 1 Forza!!! Gran equilibrio entre control, efectos y potencia... y todo esto en 14 mm. Normalmente intento usar una paleta más gruesa para el control, pero no era necesario con esta paleta. Hicieron un GRAN trabajo al diseñar esta". – Jesús R.


Si el Volair Mach 1 es “¡Andiamo!” el Mach 1 Forza es “¡¡ANDIAMO!!”

Cualquiera puede fabricar un remo de potencia, pero se necesita el toque adecuado para que sea utilizable. Esta es una paleta de poder, pero poder limpio. Hace lo que usted quiere que haga, de manera consistente con cada golpe. Es equilibrado y rápido en la mano, o en ambas manos si lo haces a dos manos con el mango alargado.

Puede ser suave cuando lo necesitas, pero cuando lo golpeas, escucharás ese pop satisfactorio y verás cómo se aplasta. Termoformado para golpes fuertes, borde inyectado de espuma para mantenerse fuerte y abrir ese punto dulce, y cuidadosamente sellado con calor a lo largo de los bordes para cocinarlo todo junto para siempre.

Y con una cara de fibra de carbono T700 premium, hará que los oponentes tropiecen en todas direcciones con sus efectos.

Es una pala limpia, pero si quieres ensuciar tu juego con cinta de plomo, vuélvete loco. Es el lienzo termoformado ideal para personalizar un remo como más te guste.

Disponible en 16 mm para un poco más de suavidad y en 14 mm para dejarlo volar.

La edición limitada Mach 1 Forza Stealth de 16 mm está disponible exclusivamente a través de Total Pickleball y se puede solicitar AQUÍ . El remo Stealth Edition está excluido de todos los descuentos ya que es un lanzamiento limitado.

          Mach 1 Forza


          • 2100 RPMs - Top Tier Spin
          • High-Performance Polypropylene Core
          • Toray T700 Carbon Fiber
          • Foam Injected Walls
          • Pure Soft TPU Edge Guard
          • EVA parts inside the grip to prevent vibration

          Available in 16mm for a bit more softness and 14mm to all-out let it fly.

          Accessories included with every Forza: 

          • Paddle Headcover
          • Carbon Touch-up Eraser
          • Replacement Black Grip
          • Replacement Paddle Neck Band
          • Volair Sticker


          14mm Specs

          • Average Weight: 7.9 oz
          • Paddle Length: 16.35 in
          • Paddle Width: 7.5 in
          • Thickness: 14 mm
          • Grip Length: 5.5 in
          • Grip Circumference: 4.15 in
          • Swing Weight: 110
          • Twist Weight: 5.92
          • Core Material: Polypropylene Honeycomb, Foam Walls
          • Paddle Face Material: Toray T700 Carbon Fiber

          16mm Specs (Most Popular)

          • Average Weight: 8.2 oz
          • Paddle Length: 16.35 in
          • Paddle Width: 7.5 in
          • Thickness: 16 mm
          • Grip Length: 5.5 in
          • Grip Circumference: 4.15 in
          • Swing Weight: 117
          • Twist Weight: 6.41
          • Core Material: Polypropylene Honeycomb, Foam Walls
          • Paddle Face Material: Toray T700 Carbon Fiber

          What Do Pickleball players say?


          Paddle of My Choice."I have been playing and coaching pickleball for 2 years. I have also purchased and tested over 20 paddles. This is the paddle of my choice at this moment. Spin and Power are insane. Highly recommend!" 

          Henry I.

          Great Paddle. ""I am very picky about my paddle, I hadn’t switched in over a year because I couldn’t find the 'right one.' The first game I wished the Mach 1 Forza I was hooked!!! Great balance of control, spin and power… and this all in the 14mm. I normally try to go with a thicker paddle for control but I didn’t have to with this paddle. They did a GREAT job engineering this one."

          Jesus R.

          I had designed the perfect pickleball paddle for me in my head, and when I saw the specs on this paddle, I knew it was everything I was looking for. My prior favorites were the Joola Colin Johns Scorpeus and the Six Zero Double Black Diamond. This is a widebody design, wide sweet spot, low swingweight, high pop speed, and high spin. The spin to speed ratio is the best of any paddle I’ve tried. I am a 4.0 player that emphasizes the 3rd shot drop to get to the kitchen to win points. This paddle excels at the soft game and defense but has plenty of pop for speedups at the kitchen. The sweet spot is wide and closer to your hand than most elongated or hybrid designs. This has given me a one hand backhand roll and drive that ends points. It is a shot I don’t have with an elongated paddle which is too long and slow for me to execute it well. Overall, I play a noticeably higher level with this paddle.
          Thanks Volair for the awesome design and execution on this paddle. It fits me perfectly.


          The first is for customer service and the purchasing process. I ordered my M2F 14mm online Thursday night and received it Monday morning. Ordering was simple and when it arrived… what a treat. The box with all the extra goodies (paddle cover, extra different color grip and grip band, carbon eraser) added so much value to the purchase. Then to my surprise I received a Volair water bottle a few days later. The whole thing was first class!

          The second thumb up is for the paddle. The low swing weight and small grip has allowed me to beef it up exactly to my liking. It is so fast in the hand and the sweet spot is enormous. The feel, touch and spin are the best I’ve ever experienced. This paddle is the answer to beating bangers, and everyone else!

          Los Angeles, CA

          I think more lower-level players should be playing with standard or wide-body shaped paddles. This Mach 2 Forza has a lot going for it. The wide body provides a huge sweet spot with a high twist weight for stability. The longer handle offers more leverage and with it, power. The low swing weight means better maneuverability at the net. Oh, and there is also amazing spin. Hmm, that actually sounds like good stuff most of us could use!



          WE'RE DETAIL-ORIENTED WHICH MEANS HIGH QUALITY.  Spin, control, and power – this is the magic trio needed to strike the perfect balance and create high quality paddles that get you results.  

          We blend cutting-edge sports science with insider knowledge to build paddles that bring out your best game. We fine-tune every little detail, iron out those pesky annoyances, and make sure every paddle is top-notch.

          About The Mach 1 Forza

          Anyone can make a power paddle, but it takes the right touch to make it usable. This is a paddle for power, but clean power. It does what you want it to do, consistently with every hit. It’s balanced and fast in your hand, or both hands if you’re doing a two-hander with the elongated handle.

          It can be soft when you need it to be, but when you punch it, you’ll hear that satisfying pop and watch it crush. Thermoformed for hard hits, foam-injected edge to hold strong and open up that sweet spot, and carefully heat sealed along the edges to cook it all together for good.

          And with a premium Toray T700 carbon fiber face, it will have opponents stumbling in all directions with spin.

          It’s a clean paddle, but if you want to dirty up your game with some lead tape, go nuts. It’s the ideal thermoformed canvas for customizing a paddle to just how you like it.

          Available in 16mm for a bit more softness and 14mm to all out let it fly.

          The Limited Mach 1 Forza Stealth 16mm Edition is available exclusively through Total Pickleball and can be ordered HERE. The Stealth Edition paddle is excluded from all discounts since it is a limited release.

          Customer Reviews

          Based on 251 reviews
          Conrado Ferrer

          Mach 1 Forza Pickleball Paddle

          Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We’re sorry to see that you had a 1-star experience with us. Your feedback is important, and we’d love to understand more about what went wrong.

          If you could share any specific details, it would help us improve and ensure a better experience for all our customers. Please feel free to reach out directly at

          Stuart Zanni Zanni
          Awesome paddle!

          Very responsive paddle!

          Thanks for your purchase and your review! Tag us on social as @volairpickleball or #volairpickeball , we love to reshare! You can also check out our pickleball Facebook group here: if you want to interact with other pickleball players!

          Kyle Lucas
          Best feeling 14mm paddle

          As a professional racquetball player this paddle is the perfect balance of thickness for power and control. I was playing with a Joola Perseus and the Mach 1 Forza just took my heart completely!
          I would love to be your representative out of Abq NM

          Thanks for your purchase and your review! Tag us on social as @volairpickleball or #volairpickeball , we love to reshare! You can also check out our pickleball Facebook group here: if you want to interact with other pickleball players!


          My new Forza Paddle was amazing. I had the power I needed to hit the pickleball and the control I needed for the kitchen shots. Overall, I am completely satisfied with my choice of choosing the MACH 1 Forza.

          Thanks for your purchase and your review! Tag us on social as @volairpickleball or #volairpickeball , we love to reshare! You can also check out our pickleball Facebook group here: if you want to interact with other pickleball players!

          Henry St. John St. John
          A Very Fast Paddle

          SUPER SPEED with this thing! Your hands won't get much faster than they are with this paddle, add a little weight to the bottom corners for added stability. Power and spin are great, I have the 14mm and you can really feel the ball hit your paddle, which I love. Lightning-fast paddle with a great feel! Use my code for 10% off

          Thanks for your purchase and your review! Tag us on social as @volairpickleball or #volairpickeball , we love to reshare! You can also check out our pickleball Facebook group here: if you want to interact with other pickleball players!